Monday 7 October 2013

International Day of Non-Violence

2 October, which is the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, is chosen as International Day of Non-Violence by the UN General Assembly in 2007 with the aim of getting a common stance of all countries in opposing violence of all forms. As such, on this day all people around the world should personally take the lead to reject violence in order to build a just, peaceful and prosperous world together. In commemorating this special day, I urge all victims of domestic violence and eyewitnesses not to condone such acts but to bravely come forward to report the abuse incidents so that action can be taken against the culprits. Unfortunately, most women have chosen to compromise and suffer in silence. Their silence will only make the matter worse. According to the latest report from the United Nation, more than 70% of women around the world have experienced domestic and sexual violence, 50% of which are minors under sixteen where the culprits were mostly victim’s husband or brothers. The abuse becomes more violent mainly because women choose to tolerate the violent act of their husband or relatives. The government has in last year amended the Domestic Violence Act 1994 to include psychological abuse in its definition of domestic violence. This clearly shows the government’s resolve in tackling such cases, including providing various reporting avenues such as report can be made in any police station. And the relevant authority will within 24 hours apply to the court to obtain a protection order for the victim. Victim who can’t return home and is financially incapable may be provided temporary shelter and financial assistance by Department of Social Welfare. Injured victims of domestic violence can also seek help at One Stop Crisis Centre in any government hospital, where they will be given medical attention as well as assistance by Department of Social Welfare to make a police report. Those who are too afraid to come forward can contact the abuse hotline 15999 and officers from the nearest Department of Social Welfare will come to their aid together with the police. Irrespective of state sanctioned or cultural and customary violence including violence against women and minors, everyone should start the change from within oneself, family, school and workplace so that this social ill can be eradicated. In this International Day of Non-Violence, I wish all people around the world, with the inspiration and courage from Mahatma Gandhi, will unite as one to reject division and hatred, uphold the truth and justice, and stand together as brothers and sisters to build a world of justice, peace and prosperity.


10月2日,是第7屆的“國際無暴力日”(International Day of Non-Violence);2007年聯合國大會通過決議以聖雄甘地的生日訂立為國際非暴力日,目的是希望各國反對任何的暴力行為。   因此,在這一天,全球人類應該從自身做起,消除暴力,共同建立一個持久正義、和平和繁榮的世界。   趁著這個特別紀念日,我也勸告家暴受害者和知情者不要姑息養奸,要勇敢站出來提告施暴者。   我們明白,婦女面對家暴通常都忍氣吞聲,委屈求全,默默承受,但只會使到情況越來越嚴重。   聯合國最新數據顯示,全球有近70%女性,在一生中曾遭遇暴力及性暴力,其中50%遭性侵的女性是年齡未滿16歲者,這是值得關心的;而受害的婦女最常被丈夫,甚至孩子、哥哥及弟弟施暴力。   往往,都是因為婦女容忍丈夫、親人等加諸在她們身上的暴力,造成對方一而再對她們施加暴力。   政府去年修改了1994年家暴法令,擴大施暴範疇至身心靈受傷害,也涵蓋在內。這顯示政府也關注這類案件,包括提供各種方便,讓受害者作出提告,例如家暴受害者可到全國任何一間警局報案,有關方面在24小時內為受害者向法庭申請人身保護令、對於那些無處可去者,她們可被安排到福利局屬下的婦女庇護所、若生活有問題者,有關方面將安排通過福利局提供經濟援助。   被致傷的家暴受害者,若不到警局報案,可到任何政府醫院的一站式危機處理中心尋求協助,那兒不但有提供治療,還會聯絡縣福利局帶她們報案。   對於那些太過害怕而藏匿起來的受害者,她們可致電專線15999投報,最靠近的福利局將帶領警方援助受害者。   無論是國家支持的暴力還是植根于文化和習俗的暴力,包括各地區婦女和女童遭受的暴力和恐嚇。要消除這種暴力,每個人可以從自身做起,從家中、學校以及工作場所做起。   在此國際非暴力日之際,我希望世界各地的全球公民在聖雄甘地等人的勇氣感召下,拒絕分裂和仇恨,維護真理和正義,與兄弟姐妹們一道為建立一個持久正義、和平和繁榮的世界而奮鬥。

Audit Report

Laporan Ketua Audit Negara tahun ini tiada sebarang kejutan kerana segala kesilapan dan kelemahan yang sukar diterima oleh rakyat terus berlaku. Oleh itu, saya bercadang kerajaan harus menubuhkan jawatankuasa Terpilih Parlimen (PSC) yang merentasi parti dan melibatkan Jabatan Perdana Menteri, SPRM, Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Negara dan jabatan yang berkenaan, agar mengambil tindakan terhadap pengawai kerajaan yang didapati salah guna kuasa atau terlibat dalam rasuah. Langkah ini merupakan satu keperluan kerana kita perlu satu mekanisme yang mampu mengaudit atau mengesan sebarang penyalahgunaan dana awam, penjawat awam yang terlibat dalam rasuah dan agar kejadian menyalahgunakan dana awam tidak lagi berulang. Pelbagai masalah salah guna kuasa dan rasuah telah dilaporkan dalam laporan Ketua Audit Negara dan ia merupakan isu-isu yang melibat kepentingan Negara. Oleh itu kita mesti memastikan mekanisme yang dicadangkan mampu meningkat produktiviti perkhidmatan awam dan memastikan salahguna dana tidak lagi berulang. Saya berpendapat, SPRM perlu menyiasat kes-kes yang dilaporkan oleh Jabatan Audit Negara dan mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap mereka yang terlibat dalam rasuah atau salah guna kuasa.Ini adalah kerana mereka yang terlibat dalan kes-kes seperti ini adalah berpelajaran tinggi (kolar putih) dan ramai di antara mereka mempunyai pengetahuan dalam undang-undang. Oleh itu mereka cerdik guna ketirisan atau kelemahan yang sedia ada dan berjaya melepaskan diri daripada sebarang tindakan undang-undang. Mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab perlu diambil tindakan dalaman atau diturun pangkat. Selain itu, kerajaan juga perlu memastikan karenah birokrasi dihentikan. Kerajaan boleh berlajar dari usaha dan langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh Kerajaan Singapura atau Hong Kong, ia termasuk membuat pindaan terhadap Peraturan-Peraturan Awam (Kelakuan dan Tatatertib 1993) agar dapat menangani pegawai yang terlibat dalam rasuah dengan lebih berkesan.


今年的總稽查司報告,沒有驚喜,同樣出現許多令人難以接受的錯失與弊病,因此我建議成立一個跨政黨的國會遴選委員會,包括納入首相署、反貪委員會及國會公共賬目委員會等相關單位,以便探討對付被審計局發現有過失的政府部門官員。 這項措施是必要的,以便擬定一套審核公帑遭濫用、公務員涉貪、及公款被浪費的機制,阻遏各政府部門弊端及浪費公帑的情況一再上演。 審計司報告內容發現的許多弊病,都是涉及公眾利益的國家議題,我們確保有關機制可以全面落實,才能有效提高公共傳遞服務效率,杜絕浪費公帑的事件重複發生。 我認為,反貪會應該介入調查每一宗的個案,也援引反貪法令以外的相關法令來對付涉及的公務員;但政府需要提防,由于這些案件大都屬于白領案件,涉案者很可能是非常熟悉相關法令條文,而學會大走漏洞,逃過法律責任。 不稱職的官員,必須受到內部紀律處分,甚至是降級;至於涉嫌貪腐濫權的官員,則必須確保將他們繩之以法,更重要是避免出現官官相護的情況。 我們可以參考新加坡與香港的措施,包括修訂公務員操守法案,以便更有效對付舞弊的官員。

Teenager's Mental Health

The recent spate of youth suicide cases has raised the concern for mental health of adolescent. I think the youth should be more involved in other healthy activities asides from their normal schoolwork through participation in fellowships, sports, volunteer activities etc to foster self-confidence and self-affirmation in themselves. It is especially more so for children growing into adolescence. They will start to experience many mental and emotional changes while facing challenges in their families, schools and peers. Young people who are depressed and traumatized without the care and support of family are more likely to give up on themselves, engaging in illegal street racing, drug abuse, sexual promiscuity, online addiction and other such vices in drowning their unhappiness. Some even walk the suicide road of no return. Therefore, it is important that they do not run away from problems but take part in more beneficial outdoor activities, increasing knowledge and expanding social circles to gain self-affirmation and live life positively. We need to let young people to know themselves that everyone has his own position in society as long as there is effort, they can achieve their own dream. Most important of all, young people should immediately seek the advice and assistance from parents and teachers as well as mental health association volunteers when they are faced with problems. Hurting one’s life is never a solution to the problem.


最近國內發生多宗年輕人自殺的案件,青少年的心理健康讓人感到關注。 我認為,青少年應該多參與課業以外的活動,通過參與團康、運動及義工等活動,達致肯定自我和培養自信心。 特別是步入青少年時期的孩子,也將會面對許多心靈上的變化,而且他們也同時面對許多來自家庭、學校及交友方面的挑戰。 青少年一旦受到各方面的心靈受創傷,且沒有得到一個溫暖的家庭環境來調適,將很容易自暴自棄,且當中有大部分選擇飆摩哆、濫用毒品、男女濫交及沉迷網路等不良活動來自我麻醉,甚至自殺輕生。 因此,青少年遇到問題時不要逃避,並且多參加各種有益身心的戶外活動,增加知識也擴大交友圈子,更重要是從中能夠得到自我肯定,更積極面對生活。 我們要讓青少年認識自己,每一個人都有他在社會上的定位,只要努力的學習,肯定可以開拓自己的一片藍天。 最重要是,如果面對心靈上的創傷,須即刻尋求師長或精神健康協會義工援助,不要輕易傷害自己的生命。

My Manifesto

MANIFESTO The result of the 13th General Election had clearly shown that the Chinese community has rejected the Party MCA and the Party members felt extremely humiliated by the defeat. The worst is, some members had abandoned the Party, some don’t even dare to admit that they are MCA members simply because they feel so shameful. It’s time we stand up and be respected. We need to redeem our honour and regain the trust and support of the people, especially the Chinese community. Therefore, the Party and its leadership need to be revamped in order to move forward. As we enter into this Party’s election, it’s time for us to decide the future of the Party and its leadership, which lies in your hands as members of the Party. The power to decide the leadership of the Party by the members is what free and fair election is all about. Let’s us all work together to determine the future of the Party and the Chinese community. In the next 3 years, I pledge to commit the followings: 1. PARTY AFFAIRS It has been a desire of the members and the Chinese community that the position of President be elected directly by the members. In order to enhance the democratization of the Party, its election mechanism definitely need to be revamped. Therefore, I would commit to propose the followings: (a) The position of the President and Deputy President must be elected directly by the Presidential Elector, of which every member who wishes to participate in the Presidential Election MUST first be registered as “the Presidential Elector”. This is to ensure that the Party’s members continue to have interest on the Party’s affairs and to find out the total number of active and interested members in the membership roll. (b) State Liaison Committee must be elected by the State Delegates, of which they are elected by the Branch Assembly. (c) The Divisional Delegates, the State Delegates and Central Delegates must be elected at Branch level and must be enlarged to a figure, which representing at least 10% of the general membership of all levels. This is also to curb money politics and to ensure a better representation as well as the ability of the Party’s leadership to engage with more members. With the revamp of the Party’s election mechanism, hopefully the Party will regain the trust and support of the people. It will also make the Party leadership more transparent and accountable to the members. 2. PARTY ASSETS Party assets is the back bone of the Party, at the same time it can also destroy the Party. Therefore, it is desirable that the Party’s affairs and assets must be managed independently from each other to avoid being abused and manipulated in favour of a few sociopathic Party leaders. Therefore, I would commit to propose that the Party assets be managed transparently, accountably and systematically by an independent trustees to be appointed by the Central Committee members and not President alone. 3. OPPORTUNITY TO EARN EXTRA INCOME The rising cost of living in the city of Kuala Lumpur is inevitable and therefore, the MCA Bandar Tun Razak Division should endeavour to assist its members by organizing programmes to improve their living skills and abilities to earn extra or supplemental income. The ultimate aim is to encourage interaction and engagement among Party’s members in order to regain their trust and confidence. In order to achieve the above I would commit to propose to set up the following Bureaus: a) Entrepreneur Development Bureau This is to provide training and skills to the members in specific fields which will enable them to earn extra income and/or supplemental income during their free time. This includes providing knowledge, skills and trainings to members who are interested to venture into investment in property and securities. In addition, a co-operative society will be set up to provide opportunities to members to conduct and manage the business as well as to earn supplemental income. b) Professional Development for Youth Bureau This is to provide opportunities for young members to enhance their knowledge and skills that will assist them in self enrichment and personal development. Programmes will focus on informations related to a wide cross-section of businesses and professions at the same time promote high ethical working standard. Through this Bureau, I will endeavour to recruit more Youth to join the Party as well as help them to enhance their personal growth and development. 4. EDUCATION Education is the utmost important area to enhance a nation’s development and progress. In this Division, we already set up an education foundation called Yayasan Pendidikan Kawasan Bandar Tun Razak, which had in the past carried out various educational programmes for the benefit of the people in the Division and these will be continued for the next 3 years. In addition, I will also set up an Education Centre which will serve as a permanent premise for the Yayasan to carry out its planned programmes. The Education Centre will plan to conduct a long term Oriental Moral Study Programme for primary and secondary students to curb the moral decay in the society, especially among the Chinese youth. 5. WELFARE Historically, MCA was formed to take care of the welfare of the Chinese community in Malaya and thereafter evolved into a political party. Therefore, MCA should not and cannot forget its root of establishment and we must re-establish this noble objective, which is to take care of the welfare of the Chinese community. In order to achieve this, I would commit to establish a Welfare Centre in the Division, which will be handling the followings: (a) to assist the community to apply for assistance on the programmes that will benefit the Malaysians which are undertake by the Jabatan Kebajikan Malaysia, as well as to assist patients to apply exemption or reduction of their medical fees at Government’s Hospitals. (b) to establish a welfare programme, “One Meal A Day” , a sponsored programme in aid of the poor and needy of the Chinese community . In this Division, there are a lot of poor families, which need assistance and aids from the community. (c) to organize a long term fund raising charitable projects to finance the Division’s welfare programmes i.e. “One Meal A Day” programme. In order to ensure success of the welfare programmes, the Division will establish a non-member volunteers squad to carry out its’ welfare programmes for the benefit of the Chinese community. This is to fulfill the aspiration of some volunteers who do not wish to join a political party. 6. RELIGION It is a challenge for non-Muslim to obtain land to build places of worship, especially in Kuala Lumpur due to scarcity of land. In 2012, the Federal Government had approved a piece of land measuring approximately 2 acres to build 6 Chinese and Buddhist Temples, of which 4 temples are from Bandar Tun Razak Parliament Constituency. This land is located beside SJKC Naam Kheung. At present, DBKL has approved the development plan for Amitabha Temple and Xian Fa Temple, of which the construction works already commenced and expected to complete by September 2014. Besides, I would commit to ensure that the aforesaid 4 temples be fully constructed within the next 3 years and will continue to assist the non-Muslim to apply and obtain land from the Federal Government to build places of worship. 7. PUBLIC SERVICE AND COMPLAINT A continuity of the Service Centre is a must for our Division. We must ensure that our Service Centre is operated properly, efficiently, systematically and professionally in order to carry out its obligations and services to the people. A revamp of our Service Centre is imminent. In addition, I would commit to establish a Mobile Service Centre to serve the people from place to place on a periodical basis within the Division. CONCLUSION With the above planned programmes aimed to be carried out in the next 3 years and along with the commitments that I pledged, I shall strive my best together with my team to regain the trust and support of the people in Bandar Tun Razak (“BTR”) Parliament Constituency and win back the BTR Parliament seat in the coming general election. Let us all work together for the benefits and betterment of the people. Looking forward to your support.

Letter To Comrades

Dear Comrades, WE HAVE TO REVAMP MCA, STARTING RIGHT FROM OUR HEART The result of the 13th General Election had clearly shown us that the Chinese community has rejected the Party. If MCA wants to regain the lost support and trust of the Chinese community, the only way is to revamp the Party and let the people judge MCA in a whole new light. Democratization is a trend in most countries and political parties in the world. MCA must completely revamp itself and strive to do things in a whole new way, failing which it would be next to impossible to regain the trust and support of the people. Now, it is time not just to revamp the Party leadership but also to re-examine the entire fundamental party election mechanism to ensure more rank and file members within the Party possess the equal rights and eligible to choose their leaders directly. This is called democracy. The Party must be transparent and accountable to all its members and the people as well as free from abuses. In addition, Party affairs and Party assets should be managed independently from each other to avoid being abused and manipulated in favour of a few sociopathic Party leaders, as well as to protect the interest of the Party in the long term. Therefore, Party assets should be managed transparently, accountably and systematically by a independent trustees to ensure it is not easily abused and manipulated to benefit only a few leaders. In the coming party election, I am contesting the position of Chairman of MCA Bandar Tun Razak Division and with my past experiences and competence, I am committed to revamp and reform the Party, as well as to introduce welfare programmes for the benefits and interest of the members and the people of Bandar Tun Razak Parliament Constituency. Do allow me to serve you to the best of my ability. Lastly, it is my desire to unite all members, though the Party’s election may be intensely contested, by applying the principle of inclusiveness, which is to include all members who are interested to serve the Party and the people in the Divisional Committee. Let us work together for the benefits and betterment of the people, especially the Chinese community, and the nation. Looking forward to your support. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Datuk Chew Yin Keen


宣言 第13届大选成绩清楚显示华社已经遗弃马华,而马华党员也为此次惨败感到羞辱。不幸的事接踵而来,一些党员因此背弃了党,更有一些人甚至不敢承认自己是马华党员。为此我们必须重新站立和自重。我们必须挽回我们的荣誉特别是我们华社的支持与信心。有鉴以此,我们必须重整党和党领导层,继而再重新出发。 即将来临的党选是我们决定党和党领导层的最佳时机,党的未来就掌握在我们的手中。党员的力量将决定党选的自由与公正。就让我们并肩为马华政党和华社而努力吧! 未来的3年内我将致力于: 1. 党务 在维护党员与华社的利益前提下,总会长一职必须由党员 直选。为了提升党的民主,党选机制应被更新重整。 因此我将致力于实现以下事项: a. 总会长一职必须直选,欲参与总会长选举的党员必须先注册为总会长选举人。这将确保党员能继续对党务保持关心及从中了解党员名册中真正活跃及关心党的党员人数。 b. 州联委会必须由州代表选出,而州代表则由支会选出。 c. 区会代表,州会代表和中央代表则必须由支会选出,以此比率将是各阶层党员数目的百分之十。这样可以避免污秽的金钱政治,同时也将达到更好的代表性及加强领导层和党员之间的互动。 随着党选机制达到更新重整,这将挽回人民对党的信心与支持。同时,对党员来说,领导层将会更具透明度与负责意识。 2. 党产 党产是党的后盾,但同时也可摧毁党。有鉴于此,党产与党务必须分开独立管理以避免不必要的滥用及被一些反社会的党领导人操控。因此我将致力于推行党产应由独立的信托人以透明,负责任及系统化的方式来管理。而这信托公司必须是由中委会委任,而不是由总会长一人决定。 3. 提升经济能力 基于吉隆坡生活成本逐渐提高,因此马华敦拉萨镇区会将推行一些提升技术与能力的课程来协助党员增加收入的能力。这是一项促进党员交流及提升经济能力的重要计划。 为了达至以上目标,我将致力于设立: a.企业家发展局 通过特定技能培训让党员们可以提升其收入及/或以业余时间赚取额外收入。这包括提供培训,知识与技能给对产业与证券投资有兴趣的党员。 除此以外,通过设立合作社,我们也将让党员有机会参与经营和管理合作社事务,以便提高党员们的收入。 b.青年职业发展局 提供年轻党员增加知识与技能的机会,给予个人成长与自我增值方面的帮助。课程将着重于各种商业层面的资讯同时也提高职业道德标准。通过这发展局,我们希望可以招募更多年轻人加入党以及协助他们的个人成长及自我增值。 4. 教育 教育是对国家发展与进步最重要的一环。基于此,在本区会我们已设立了敦拉萨镇教育基金会,在未来3年内将通过各项教育活动让区内的人民受惠。 除此之外,我将设立一所教育中心于一个自置的永久场所作为基金会推行各项计划的基地。教育中心将为中小学生推行一系列的东方道德课程,希望通过这项计划可以制止日益腐败的社会道德观念,特别是华社青年。 5. 福利 回溯过去,马华当年的成立,主要是为了照顾当年马来亚华人的福祉而进一步演变成一个政党。因此,马华不能忘记它当年成立的宗旨,为此我们有必要捍卫这当年崇高的目标,照顾广大华社的福利。 为了实现这一个目标,我承诺将在区会建立福利中心,所将采取的行动如下: a) 为社区大众申请福利局所设立的各项照顾国人福祉的计划,这包括协助病患向政府医院申请减免或豁免医药费。 b) 在华人社区创设 “一天一顿饱饭”计划,援助有需要的贫困家庭。在敦拉萨镇,有不少贫困家庭需要社会的援助。 展开筹募长期慈善基金来资助区会推展的各项福利计划,包括“一天一顿饱饭”计划。 为了确保慈善福利计划成功展开,区会将特别成立一个非党员志愿者队伍,确保各项有利于华社的福利计划能够顺利推行。如此的安排是为了迎合一些不想加入任何政党的志愿者。 6. 宗教 由于土地日益稀少,特别是在吉隆坡,非回教徒如要获得土地建造膜拜场所,非常具挑战性。在2012年,中央政府已经批准一块约2英亩土地,作为建造6所佛庙和寺庙,其中4所寺庙位于敦拉萨镇国会选区。这片土地位于南强华小旁边。目前仙法宫庙和阿弥陀佛雪隆六合敬佛堂已经获得市政府批准兴建,而工程经已开展,预计将在2014年9月竣工。 我承诺,在未来的3年内,将完成另4座庙宇的重建,同时也会继续协助非回教徒向中央政府申请土地,作为他们膜拜的宗教场所。 7. 公共服务与投诉 长期提供援助的服务中心,是区部所必备的服务。我们必须确保服务中心正常运作,有效和系统化,以让中心能履行职责,为人民提供所需服务。 此外,我也承诺将设立流动服务中心,在区会内定期停驻在不同的地点为民服务。 结论 透过以上所述未来3年区会领导层所欲推展的各项计划,我希望它将重新获得敦拉萨镇人民的信任和支持,使我们得以在来届大选重新夺回敦拉萨镇区国会议席。且让我们共同为改善和提升人民福祉作出努力。 谨此期待能够获得您的支持。


致敬爱的同志们, 让我们从“心”出发,重整马华 第13届大选成绩清楚的说明华社拒绝马华。若马华要重拾华社的支持和信任,唯一的办法就是对党进行改革,让人民看到一个全新,脱胎换骨的马华。 民主化在全球大多数国家和政党,已是一种趋势。为此,马华必须彻底进行改革,以全新的方法来处理党内外事务,否则马华不可能能够重新获得人民的信任和支持。 如今,我们不仅需要更换党领导层,也是重新审视整个党选机制的时候,好让更多基层党员享有平等权力,透过直选选出本身所属意的领导人。而这就是所谓的民主。党必须透明化,对党员甚至人民负起责任,以确保职权不被滥用。 此外,党务与党产应各自独立管理,以避免遭一些反社会人格的党领袖滥用和操纵,确保党的长期利益不会遭受损害。 因此,必须委任独立信托人,以透明,有系统,并负责的方式管理党产,确保它不被滥用或操纵,使之不仅利惠少数领导人。 在即将来临的党选,我将竞选马华敦拉萨镇区部主席职,透过运用我过去的经验和能力,我将与敦拉萨镇全体马华同志,致力重整和改革党,同时推展各项有利于敦拉萨镇党员和本区人民利益的各项福利计划。 请允许我尽我所能,诚心为您服务。 最后,我由衷的期望能够团结全体党同志,虽然来临的选举预计将异常激烈,不过我将运用包容原则,吸纳那些有志为党服务的党员和公众加入成为区会执委,以期造惠和改善人民的利益,特别是华社和国家的需要。 谢谢。 拿督丘应权律师谨启