Monday 5 August 2013

sex duo issue

The current fiasco of the sex duo is regrettable. This prompts us to ponder the issues regarding our youngsters especially the new generation of Chinese Malaysians. Have they forgotten the traditional values of virtue and morality as well as etiquette and integrity? However we couldn’t put the blames on the youngsters alone. As elders, do we really serve as their role models? As we condemn the sex duo who uploaded their sex videos online, have indirectly reminded us a second thought about the sex video of Dato’ Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, the current president of MCA, which has been circulating in the open? The irony of him being the leader of a party which claims to represent the Chinese Malaysians is totally disgraced. When someone tries to rationalise immoral behaviours, the youngster would see that and pick up as their role model. Dr Chua’s sex scandal surely has given an impression to our youths that such an immoral act is acceptable by our society. This is going against our noble tradition, which is yet worrisome. We need to stop this. Though Alvin Tan’s academic result was outstanding and gained the scholarship award in legal study from the government of Singapore, his misconducts have gone against our good tradition. This is an alarming call to all parents. Academic success is not everything however one must have good moral and good behavior are the most important.


最近國內發生的“性愛2人組”事件,是讓人感到遺憾的;同時,也讓人感嘆時下的年輕人,特別是新生代華人,是否已逐漸失去昔日華人引以為傲的仁義道德與禮義廉恥的文化思想。 但是,我們卻不可以全怪罪在年輕人身上,身為這一代年輕人的長輩,我們是否有以身作則? 我們在指責“性愛2人組”將性愛短片上載到網,2人卻不知羞恥時,我們有沒有想過,馬華總會長拿督斯里蔡細歷婚姻外遇的性愛光碟,同樣是在市面上流傳,但他卻到今天還是代表著大馬華人政黨的領導人,這不是很諷刺嗎? 有人合理化本來不被道德所接受的事情,看在年輕一代的眼中,這卻成了他們的“榜樣”。 蔡細歷的行為已給了年輕一代一個負面的印象,即這種不道德的行為是被社會所容許及接受;但事實上,這正是與我們社會價值觀所不能被接受的,我們必需停止這一切! 成績良好的陳杰毅,雖然獲得新加坡政府獎學金,在新加坡大學攻讀法律,但卻做出違反傳統的行為,這也警惕家長,不要一味著重在兒女的學術成績,而忽略了他們的品行道德修養。