Saturday 20 December 2014











International Human Rights Day

International Human Rights Day

10 December was chosen to honour the United Nations General Assembly's Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).  This was adopted on 10th December 1948.

In conjunction with UDHR, I wish to remind the government of its commitment on UDHR and must uphold the Declaration at all times.

While UDHR was set on 10 December 1948 by the UN General Assembly, we must realise that it is is a minimum standard.  We should strive to do better and make Malaysia a country which walks the talk in relation to this Declaration.

Although Malaysia is a multi-racial country, we should not be differentiated by race, religion or gender and all should enjoy equality and respect each other’s differences.

Though there is still much to accomplish in terms of human rights issues such as freedom of expression and civil liberty, the government’s commitment to human rights is nonetheless obvious.

As basic laws and rights are upheld and respected, we will become a better country in the long run.

Social and cultural diversity will flourish if they are given equal treatment and respect. Politics should not supersede human rights. Human rights should become the basis of resolving all disputes.  Let us all upheld the UDHR and make our country a better place for all Malaysians and a great future for all of us, Malaysians.

Monday 8 December 2014

The import of Chinese teachers from China

The import of Chinese teachers from China is an encouraging proposal by the government as this could further strengthen bilateral tie between the two countries and make Malaysia the education hub of the ASEAN region.
However, in order to solve the shortage of Mandarin language teachers in the school, Chinese teachers in Chinese School, local sources should first be considered such as recognising UEC Exam to allow UEC graduates to join the teaching profession with an aim to train them to teach the Mandarin language in both national and vernacular school and as teachers in Chinese schools.
The employment of teachers from China is supposedly to solve the shortage of Chinese teacher in Chinese vernacular schools. If they are sent to national schools as Mandarin language teachers, it could cause communication break down and eventually it may have negative impact on this government policy of taking teachers from China.
This problem can be solved by simply having more students trained in local institution of higher learning, such as teachers training colleges or universities to teach Mandarin language and/or Chinese teachers in Chinese vernacular schools.
The use of locals in the teaching profession could retain local talents and increase the income of the people and provide employment opportunities to our citizens.
In order for Malaysia to achieve developed nation status in 2020, the foremost requirement is to retain local talents to reduce brain drain. In fact, the reliance on imported teachers is a burden to the economy and should be minimized. Train our own citizens should be a priority.
Anyway, the proposal of the government to bring in teachers from China is a sign of its commitment to the Chinese education development and a way to resolve the shortage of Mandarin language teachers in national school and Chinese teacher in vernacular schools.









Saturday 6 December 2014














“Say No to Violence against Women”

“Say No to Violence against Women” campaign kick-starts nationwide on 25th of the month to raise awareness and prevent violence against women.
Domestic violence is not just in the form of physical violence but including verbal abuse and cursing which could also cause emotional wound.
Movement and financial restrictions are forms of violence that could also destroy a family.  Sometimes non-physical violence such as verbal abuse hurts more than physical violence.  Many loving couples have romantic hope in their future but when reality sets in, their marriage starts to fall apart.
Extra-marital affair, financial restriction and physical abuse are real issues as opposed to some of the idealism possessed by the couple before the marriage.
Sometimes when things go wrong and domestic violence takes place, it is not just women who will get hurt but their partners and children as well.
Love is simple, only if you don’t complicate it. Simple words, such as “I’m sorry”, “Thank you”, and “I love you” could have solved the problem.
According to Women’s Aid Organisation (“WAO”), 39% of women have been abused by their partners. Which means one out of three women is a victim of domestic violence. Therefore, the issue should not be confined to women but everyone should be aware and take action to address this domestic violence matter seriously.  In view of this, WAO organised the campaign to raise awareness of gender equality, protection of women’s rights and violence against women.

We should break the silence violence against women. If we want to stop the cycle of violence against women, we have to take actions now and prevent the seed of violence from sprouting among the young ones.  Irrespective of one is a victim or eyewitness, the act of violence could negatively affect a child mentally and sow the seed of violence.  Therefore, I urge the enforcement authorities to further enhance their effort in combating violence against women.

Tuesday 2 December 2014















WHO data shows that depression will be the No. 2 killer in 2020 after heart disease.

A survey conducted in 2011 reveals that there are 340,000 persons (1.8% of the population) suffering from depression in Malaysia, and among them women are twice the number of men.

Most of the sufferers are over 50 years of age, and there is trend that depression occurrences among youngsters and children are on the rise.

The young generation is facing many problems related to day to day and this number continue to rise and is common. As today, parents have more awareness of children depression, they are more willing to send their affected child to get medical treatment.

Everyone may encounter emotional problem. If anyone feels that depression is starting to set in, he/she should not shy away from seeking medical treatment.

Depression symptoms going on for more than two weeks should be dealt with immediately. Any delay treatment could affect his/her daily life of sufferers.

As such, early treatment is important to prevent the condition deter rioting.

People should not push themselves too hard for good achievement. If encountering any problem or difficulty, they should trust their family members or friends who can share their burden.  They should talk to their friends or family members to find a solution.  Thus, family love is the best medicine.

Survey statistics revealed that over 80% of depression sufferers could recover through proper and early medical treatment.

To prevent from falling into depression, we must always keep a cheerful outlook towards life.  Be happy and don't take things too serious, just do your best, that was good enough.