Saturday 24 May 2014

Mother's Day

In this Teachers' Day I hope the government would increase the pay and perks of teachers to make this profession more attractive for more males to join the education field. There is currently a big gap between the numbers of male and female teachers. While we recognise the contribution and dedication of female teachers, we hope to achieve a healthier ratio of both sexes working in the industry. In this day and age, the best method available has been employed to make teaching more effective. Besides knowledge, teachers should also have good characters, be caring, be a role model and passionate. All these qualities are important in gaining the confidence of parents in the schools. The thinking of teachers should also be constantly refreshed and updated in the open society, to make progress and keep the commitment to education reform for a quality education. Social development depends on education and in turn education development depends on the teachers. As such, teachers play a pivotal role in the social and education developments. Teachers and students alike need to be creative and innovative in the National Education Transformation efforts to achieve the target of "stimulating creativity to promote innovation". The greatest work of the teachers is their selfless sacrifices in education. A great teacher produces a brilliant student; seeing the success of student is the greatest comfort to teacher. Teaching is more than imparting knowledge; it is inspiring the correct thinking and values. As such, students need to be grateful and keep in mind of the teachings from the teachers. They should strive to do everything to their best. Teachers are like parents; they are the light for the students. They nurture the pillars of the country's future. We thank you for the selfless sacrifice of teachers for they are not just dedicated but also have showed their potential and ability in contributing to the country's education.


   在教師節的這天 ,我希望政府提高教師薪金及福利等條件,以吸引更多男性加入教育行列。 目前,男女教師比例差距甚大,我們在重視女教師的付出和努力同時,也希望能把教師這行業中,兩性差距縮小。 在目前這個時代,教師們利用最好的教學方法,讓學生能有效汲收教導的知識。 因此,教師除了需俱備學問,良好品格、要有愛心、良好品行素質、好典範及對職業的熱誠,缺一不可,才能讓家長安心及對學校有信心。 教師的思維,在當今社會改革開放之時,需要不斷進取和致力于教育深入改革,才能提供更優質的教學。 社會的發展靠教育、教育的發展靠教師,尤其是教師所扮演的角色,更是舉足輕重。 教師與學生,也應該配合國家教育轉型的創意與革新概念努力,以達致“激發創意”推動革新”的目標。 我認為,教師最美的一面是衷心奉獻教育的精神;而一間學校需有優秀教師才能培育出色的學生,看到所培育的學生成才,是老師最值得開心的事。 教師的工作除了教導學生知識以外,還要灌輸學生正確思想與價值觀。 身為學生的,就要把老師循循善誘的恩德永記在心,凡是都要本著“全力以赴,力求最好”的態度,以便將每件事都辦好。 教師猶如學生們的第2個父母,是學生心中的明燈,培育他們成為國家未來棟樑,因此我們感謝教師們無私的付出,不僅是敬業樂業,更展現本身的潛能及能力,為教育作出貢獻。