Thursday 26 February 2015

Yuan Xiao / Chap Goh Mei

5 March 2015 is the 15th day of the first month in the lunar calender, it is celebrated by the Chinese as Yuan Xiao Festival or Chap Goh Mei.

We feel blessed that we can celebrate the day – as any other important festivals – openly.

Yuan Xiao Festival emphasises universal rejoice. It is deemed the apex of the lunar new year because after this day, people will start working productively. As such, people are rejoicing at this day, praying to their gods for good weather and abundant harvest for the rest of the year.

Yuan Xiao Festival is not a separate festival but an integral part of the lunar new year celebration.

The concept of moderation exists in all major religions and ethnic groups. Moderation is an important element in a mutual respect and harmonious society.

Moderation promotes mutual respect and understanding, despising extremism, violence and fanaticism.If everyone subscribes to the concept of moderation, social harmony will be attained and becomes our country’s competitive edge.

We could celebrate various festivals of different ethic and religion because people here are generally moderate in nature.

Therefore, we should seek common ground and values among different religion. Irrespective of what your religion is – Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity or any other – we can establish our common values and live together peacefully, harmoniously and united.

Therefore, let us united under the concept of moderation.

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