Monday, 13 July 2015

Drive Safe

As Hari Raya is drawing near and people are starting to travel back to their hometowns, traffic at major highways and interstate roads will increase sharply.

We have been reminded on road safety year after year but sadly have not seen any meaningful decline in fatal road accident cases. 

 We have to always remind ourselves to drive safely and responsibly because someone we love are waiting for our safe return. It's better safe than sorry. A change in attitude is all too important.

 According to news report, the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety Department are joining hands to hold a Hari Raya road safety programme aims to promote the use of rear seat belts and increase public awareness of road safety to reduce road accident. 

People should get used to using rear seat belts as it is an important safety feature to reduce injury during an accident. All the safety features in car are useless if people are not using it. Thus, it all boils down to people's attitude. 

Cultivating road safety awareness is a long term process which requires long term approach. Road safety education should ideally start in children as they are more receptive. Teaching them about being a responsible driver will ensure road safety. 

This is because changing an adult's driving habit is far more difficult than changing a child's behavior. Most of the time, a learned children could influence their adult drivers on driving safety, abiding to traffic rules and driving responsibly and to set a good example to the children. 

Lastly, I would like to wish my Muslim friends a 'Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri' and have safe journey home. 

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