Monday, 13 July 2015












Drive Safe

As Hari Raya is drawing near and people are starting to travel back to their hometowns, traffic at major highways and interstate roads will increase sharply.

We have been reminded on road safety year after year but sadly have not seen any meaningful decline in fatal road accident cases. 

 We have to always remind ourselves to drive safely and responsibly because someone we love are waiting for our safe return. It's better safe than sorry. A change in attitude is all too important.

 According to news report, the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety Department are joining hands to hold a Hari Raya road safety programme aims to promote the use of rear seat belts and increase public awareness of road safety to reduce road accident. 

People should get used to using rear seat belts as it is an important safety feature to reduce injury during an accident. All the safety features in car are useless if people are not using it. Thus, it all boils down to people's attitude. 

Cultivating road safety awareness is a long term process which requires long term approach. Road safety education should ideally start in children as they are more receptive. Teaching them about being a responsible driver will ensure road safety. 

This is because changing an adult's driving habit is far more difficult than changing a child's behavior. Most of the time, a learned children could influence their adult drivers on driving safety, abiding to traffic rules and driving responsibly and to set a good example to the children. 

Lastly, I would like to wish my Muslim friends a 'Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri' and have safe journey home. 

Bulan Ramadhan,

  Kuala Lumpur  – Kita berasa amat bangga kerana setiap tahun semasa bulan Ramadhan, semua rakyat tidak kira kaum dan agama bertolak-ansur antara satu sama lain dan sentiasa hidup dalam suasana yang aman dan harmoni, kata ketua MCA bahagian Bandar Tun Razak Datuk Chew Yin Keen.

  “Tingkah laku yang bertolak ansur seperti ini adalah tabiat yang dipupuk sejak kecil lagi. Kita tidak perlu diingatkan , tapi kita tidak akan terlupa.”

  Beliau telah menghadiri pelbagai aktiviti Ramadan seperti pengagihan bantuan Raya, beras, buah kurma dan lain-lain di sekitar Parlimen Bandar Tun Razak sejak mulainya bulan Ramadhan. 

   “Malaysia mempunyai keunikan di mana semua rakyat menyambut perayaan bersama-sama tidak kira kaum dan agama. Dalam bulan Ramadhan, satu bulan suci, kami harus mengadakan 2 program/aktiviti yang boleh disertai oleh semua kaum, iaitu memberi bantuan kepada orang yang kurang berada dan amalan berbuka puasa beramai-ramai untuk mempereratkan perhubungan atau jalinan antara Rakyat berbilang agama supaya dapat memperkukuhkan lagi perpaduan dan semangat kejiranan serta semangat kepercayaan dikalangan Rakyat, khususnya jiran-jiran atau penduduk-penduduk setempat.”

  Menurut beliau, isu kecil dalam negara sering disebar di internet dan dijadi seakan-akan insiden yang amat teruk. Ini adalah kesan buruk yang dibawa oleh internet.

  Oleh yang demikian, beliau berkata, semasa menggunakan komputer dan internet, rakyat juga harus tahu membezakan antara berita palsu atau berita dan benar supaya tidak dikeliru olehnya dan seterusnya mencetuskan salah faham di antara Rakyat Malaysia.

  Beliau juga mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin kepada semua Rakyat Malaysia yang beragama Islam.









Friday, 10 July 2015


626日是聯合國制定的“國際反毒日”(International Day against Drug Abuse and illicit Trafficking),這個日子再次提醒全國人民,毒品是國家的首號敵人。







International Day against Drug Abuse

International Day against Drug Abuse

The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is a United Nations International Day against drug abuse and the illegal drug trade. It is observed annually on 26 June. It is a day to remind people of the danger of drugs.

Drug abuse not just ruin a person's life but also affect the future of society and country.

The responsibility of combating drug abuse and illicit trafficking must not be solely on the shoulder of enforcement authority but everyone from individual, family and friends to school should play a part in the effort.
Drug abuse is like a chronic disease, it slowly ruins a person health even to the extent of brain damage.

There have been many cases of physical violence related to mental illness caused by drug abuse happening from time to time.

Access to drug has become very convenient in this online age. As such, it is extremely important to tackle the problem at the root i.e. education. Children need to be taught on the danger of drugs.

If everyone is having a common stand and awareness on drug, our country will be free from the threat of drug abuse and illicit trafficking. Let’s put our act together to combat drug abuse.