Monday, 16 March 2015

Ops Selamat 6

  During CNY's Ops Selamat 6 this year , there were 17,632 reported road accidents with 199 fatalities.

  There is a 25.2% increase compared to last year CNY's Ops Selamat 4's 159 fatalities. Most of the deaths involved motorcyclists. Therefore, it is hoped that motorcyclists be more careful on the road.

  Why caused the rise in road accidents and deaths even though safety enforcement has been increased?

  In my opinion, this has something to do with the road user's attitude. If our attitude remains unchanged, it's not going to help reduce road accidents.

  Some impatient road users are willing to take risk by speeding or running a red light, and therefore causing accidents.

  Some got injured and vehicles crashed, some were not so fortunate and cost their own as well as others' lives.

  I hope that apart from the effort of the traffic authority, people should learn to be more responsible and courteous on the road. This is the only way to prevent tragedy from happening.

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