Tuesday, 26 August 2014













National Day Message 2014

National Day Message

As we celebrating our 57th Merdeka anniversary, we must stay together and unite as one to face any hardships and challenges, both internally and externally such as externally, the global food crisis, oil price hike which put pressure on price of goods and inflation, air disasters, wars and internally extremists trying to stir racial and religious tension.

Despite all that, we, Malaysian, stay united and the people's support the Government effort to solve the problems faced by the country especially the tragic of MH 370 and MH 17.

The Government has managed well our economy that it was grown 6.4% for the 2nd quarter of this year, despite of the challenging global economic environment. We are doing better than our neighbors. Keep it up and we will able to achieve high income nation by 2020.

In addition. I believe Malaysia is on the right track to achieve developed nation status by 2020. But we still have to improve in many areas. For example a better education system, good governance, transparency and accountability in public spending, strengthen Government delivery system, improved infrastructure and strengthen the transportation system are very important area as it will assist in increasing our global competitiveness.

Beside these, the NGOs, political parties and politicians should be stopped from provoking racial sentiments for self-interest. Peace and harmony should be returned in this beautiful country.

We want a democratic, equal and free Malaysia in which we coexist and share wealth as well as appreciate and respect each other’s culture and religion.

Together we united as one and can make our country a better place to live for all.

Lastly, may God bless Malaysians and Happy Merdeka Day.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014






























Children Obesity

Children Obesity

Obesity is a growing problem in Malaysia. According to a study in 2011 by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia has the highest child obesity in South East Asia. Child obesity is a serious problem in Malaysia.

There may be many causes of obesity, but improper diet and lack of exercise are the main causes. The symptoms of obesity include shortness of breath, poor cardiac function, poor blood circulation, poor vital capacity, metabolism disorder, sport injury etc.

Obesity is no longer an adult problem and child obesity is growing day by day thanks to fast food culture and changing lifestyle. A recent study has revealed a worrying obesity trend among primary school children. Child obesity is a chronic problem which requires a long term solution, the co-operation of parents and children are important to achieve result.

It is estimated that at least one tenth of the children age from 5 to 17 are obese and the numbers are increasing. For example, in the US obesity in children of age 6 to 18 has increased to 25% in 1990 from 15% in 1970.

The 1Student 1Sport Policy implemented by the Ministry of Education is aimed to reduce child obesity problem. Sport requires discipline and perseverance. The parents must impose on their child to help out in house chores as a mean of exercise.

Parents should encourage their children to participate in sports outside the school. We must implement to our children the importance of sports to our health and mental development. It is equally important as academic achievement.

Besides increased physical fitness, sports can also instil team spirit as displayed in sport events such as Thomas Cup where everyone cheers and stands behind the sportsmen irrespective of race.

Let’s encourage our children to participate in sports to instil in them the importance of sport to our health and mental development as well as a form of reducing stress.

Equally, a healthy adult and/or child also must take up sport or exercise to maintain their good state of health and physical exercise will keep the doctor away.

馬航MH 17











MH 17

Dalam 132 hari sahaja, MAS telah berlaku dua tragedi nahas kapaL terbang, MH 370 pertama, diikuti dengan MH 17. Di sini, saya ingin menyatakan rasa simpati dan mengucapkan takziah terhadap ahli keluarga mangsa.
  MH17 telah ditembak jatuh di kawasan konflik di Ukraine. Insiden ini memerlukan kerjasama pihak antarabangsa untuk menyelesaikan tragedi ini. Pasukan penyiasat bebas perlu ditubuh untuk menyiasat dan mendedah sebab MH 17 ditembak jatuh dan membawa pembunuh beramai-ramai ini ke muka pengadilan,
Kedua-dua tragedi yang berlaku merupakan malapetaka besar  kepada Malaysia dan keluarga mangsa kini juga menghadapi saat yang paling sukar.
Saya berpendapat, kerajaan perlu menubuhkan jawatankuasa siasatan khas peringkat kabinet dan berkerjasama dengan pakar-pakar dari luar untuk menjalankan siasatan yang lebih terperinci.
Setakat ini, MH 17 dikenal pasti telah ditembak jatuh, maka kerajaan harus memastikan pembunuh dibawa ke muka pengadilan dan dijatuh hukuman yang setimpal.
 Tidak kira apa sebab,  siapa atau dengan tidak sengaja menembak pesawat awam atau kesilapan itu adalah tidak dapat diterima atau dimaafkan. Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, kami kehendakkan kebenaran dan harus menuntut keadilan kepada mangsa.
Semua rakyat Malaysia tidak kira bangsa atau parti perlu memberi sokongan kepada  kerajaan Malaysia agar Ukraine dan Rusia tidak mengganggu siasatan tragedi ini.  
 Inilah masa kita bersatu padu dan  mempamerkan semangat “Satu Malaysia”untuk menghadapi tragedy ini.

Sebagai rakyat, kita juga harus bertanggungjawab agar tidak menyebar maklumat yang belum disahkan di laman web. Selain itu, pengguna siber juga tidak harus menyebarkan gambar-gambar mangsa kerana ia akan mengaibkan keluarga arwah serta menjejaskan kerja-kerja siasatan. Apa yang harus kita lakukan ialah berdoa dan menjaga perasan keluarga mereka.