Friday, 10 August 2012

Olympic 2012 in London

The opening ceremony of Olympic 2012 in London was indeed a triumph. The Opening Ceremony reflected the key themes and priorities of the London 2012 Games, based on sport, inspiration, youth and urban transformation. It was a Ceremony 'for everyone' in the world through innovation and revolution.

The performances were well themed with humanistic, culture, prevention of animal cruelty, industry civilization and modernization.

As a Malaysian, I felt that this indeed gives an inspiration to young Malaysians. The future of a country depends on the young generation.

Young generation is the asset of the country and the future of Malaysia dependent on them. The vision to achieve Malaysia as one of the high-income nation depends not only the Government but continue efforts of the young generation to cultivate or acquire high moral value, knowledgeable and be patriotic to the nation .

As a chairman of an education foundation, I would say that education is the key factor to a successful nation.

Education must start from early age and continue up to tertiary education with emphasis on moral and ethical studies. With this, the young generation will be able advanced in their career and the nation will prosper and developed.

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