Thursday, 30 August 2012







教育方面,即將在9月11日公佈的國家教育藍圖,希望是一份涵蓋各領域、有遠景、 宏觀,可以帶領大馬教育制度與國際教育趨勢接軌,及邁向多語言發展方向的重要藍圖。教育決定一個國家的成敗興衰,而這份藍圖將是帶領大馬邁入高收入國的重要配備。


就以上幾點,顯示55週年國慶日主題“一個馬來西亞:遵守承諾”(1Malaysian:Janji Ditepati)對人民對政府來說,都應該只是另一個階段的啟程,因為在兌現承諾過后,大馬人民要的是“感受”,包括“感受”經濟的穩定、“感受”社會的安全和“感受”政府的改變。


National Day Message

National Day Celebration is a special occasion to a country. Malaysia, a multi ethnic country with diversified of races, religion, cultures and customs will be celebrating her 55th National Day at Merdeka Square on 31st August 2012.  

In this auspicious occasion, colourful parades, air shows, fireworks and various performances will be showcased along the streets. Thousands of spectators will participate in this celebration. It is indeed a nation’s celebration.

National Day is symbolized a day of independence. On August 31st 1957, Malaysia gained its independence from British colonial rules. For the past 54 years, Malaysians have been celebrating National Day together.

In my opinion, this day is symbolized the day of Independence and reminds us the achievements of our former Prime Minister Yang Teramat Mulia Tunku Abdul Rahman Al-Haj and his delegations. Without them, we will not be able to have this day for the past 54 years. We must unite together to excel our country and achieve Vision 2020.

In economy aspect, various implementations and improvements which introduced by the Government have been dedicated for the people and their businesses. However, I urged that Government should pay attention to the recent survey report by The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) on economic situation of Malaysia in the 1st half of 2012.

Eventhough stastistic shows positive growth on Malaysia economy, there are chinese business communities are less optimistic about the Malaysia economic outlook in 2012 and 2013.

However, I believe most of them are cautiously optimistic about the Malaysia economic outlook in 2014 and wish the economy is getting more robust. On the other hand, Government should also make plans to escalate the growth among the SMEs.

As for the country stability and security, the sense of safe and security of the people are the most important.

Besides these, education in Malaysia has been always one of the important topics in the country.  I am impressed of the introduction of National Education Blueprint by the Ministry of Education which set its goals to revive the education system as well as solving the racial polarization issues in the schools.

The Blueprint spells out the ministry’s approaches in the next five years and timeline of delivery of goals. I hope that all of us can do our best part to achieve together the Ministry’s accountability which outlined in the Blueprint. It is a direction for a country like Malaysia to achieve a developed and high income nation by increasing the level of education and create more career opportunities in the country.

The 55th National Day theme “Janji Ditepati”(Promises Fulfilled) is a clear message from the country that the Government heard the People’s voices and are making efforts to fulfill the promises the people.

Last but not least, I wish Malaysia ‘Happy Birthday’ and may we blessed with the continuous harmony, peacefulness, prosperity towards making our Malaysia a better place for all.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012



其實,父母在必要時可在電腦安裝網絡監控軟體,限制上網活動,如Minor Monitor可監控臉書賬戶,過濾特定關鍵字並及時提醒家長。
家長也可以限定子女上網的時間,並且將電腦設在客廳 ,以免子女有機會自己一個人上網,沉迷而不自知。

The danger of the social network

The danger of the social network is increasingly harmful to the children especially these days. Most of the children and teenager are addicted to social network sites and spending hours on internet. Social networking is more addictive than cigarette or alcohol.

Therefore, social network sites are extremely dangerous to our children. We must take steps to prevent such addiction happened to our children.

The parents, schools, teachers and guardians must be vigilant and alert whenever the children are accessing to the internet. Children navigate themselves very well around the World Wide Web.

They use the Internet to research for school works or assignments, playing games, and social networking. Just because children know a lot about using the Internet does not mean that they know very much about Internet safety.

Children do not always know when they are in danger on the Internet. Parents need to talk to their children about the danger involved in social networking. Further, parents need to explain to children that it is not okay to give out personal information about themselves to people they have met online.

Giving full names, addresses, school names, phone numbers, birthdays, and any other type of personal information are very dangerous. Predators can use any combination of personal information to find the children and harm them.

I must say that social networking is both directly and indirectly affecting the children social, psychological, academic development. And it is vital for the parents to monitor the children. Parents should set the time limits for the children to access to the internet.

But most importantly, parents should dedicate quality time with their children such as a day-out trip and family gathering. This will reduce the time for the children to indulge into the internet.

On the other hand, the schools should make it a compulsory that the students participate in co-curricular activities such as camping, charity works, school based service organization and/or take-up a sport.

Let us work towards preventing our young generation get addicted to social network. However, we must not forget that internet does bring us positive development if we used it wisely and prudently.





Budget 2013

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced that the 2013 Budget will tabled on Sept 28. It is one of the most challenging budget as it will indirectly reflecting the impact of Barisan Nasional towards the upcoming general election.

The budget is focusing on the quality of life of the Rakyat and  the economic growth of the nation. Various asisstance has been dedicated to the students, senior citizen, taxi drivers with an objective to reduce their current financial burden due to the global financial crisis.

Government through reducing the personal income tax by 2% - 3% and increasing tax deduction for spouse and children in order to create more disposable income which eventually will stimulate the domestic economy. Hope that Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (BR1M) will be given out again to the Rakyat.

Under 2013 Budget, Government may implement new housing scheme to help those especially working adults to own a house, the affordable house. I personally hope that the Budget will give stamp duty exemption to 1st time housebuyer which purchases a house costing less than RM500,000.00 This will encourage property sector growth.

In view of the rising house prices especially in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Johor and Penang, more Malaysians, especially young working adults will be facing difficulties to purchase their first house in these areas. In my opinion, Government should look into opportunity to explore and develop properties in city suburbs such as Cheras, Kajang, Puchong, Nilai, Bangi but the house price must not more than RM350,000.00 with a built-up area approximately 1,000 sq.ft.

In addition, Government should also consider financing the overall development of Chinese education in Malaysia which is one of the important aspects for the economic growth of the country especially rising trading volume with the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan. They are our the major trading partners in the very near future.

Lastly, I also hope that the Government will increase the budget to further strengthen the security and safety of the Rakyat. Crime prevention is everybody responsibility including the Government

Thursday, 23 August 2012


  今天 ,在馬來西亞,一些佳節慶典如開齋節、農曆新年、屠妖節和豐收節是不分種族、不分宗教一起歡慶的節日,不再局限於特定種族慶祝,這是大馬獨特的文化。

Selamat Hari Raya

First and foremost, I would like to wish all my Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

Aidilfitri is a month to forgive and to strengthen ties. Malaysia is a country with multi ethnic group with diversified of races, religion, culture and customs.
As a Malaysian myself,l am grateful that all Malaysians have been living together in this harmonious country for the past 55 years.
Malaysia celebrates Hari Raya Aidilfitri every year and it is an official public holiday for the 1st and 2nd day of Hari Raya.

We are very fortunate that able to celebrate different festivals together such as Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas.
In my opinion Malaysians should always continue to uphold the Malaysian spirit of mutual respect and making continuous efforts to maintain the harmonious, progressive and peaceful country.

I believe that unity among the Malaysians is the key aspect towards realizing Malaysia as one of the high income country.

Friday, 10 August 2012



Olympic 2012 in London

The opening ceremony of Olympic 2012 in London was indeed a triumph. The Opening Ceremony reflected the key themes and priorities of the London 2012 Games, based on sport, inspiration, youth and urban transformation. It was a Ceremony 'for everyone' in the world through innovation and revolution.

The performances were well themed with humanistic, culture, prevention of animal cruelty, industry civilization and modernization.

As a Malaysian, I felt that this indeed gives an inspiration to young Malaysians. The future of a country depends on the young generation.

Young generation is the asset of the country and the future of Malaysia dependent on them. The vision to achieve Malaysia as one of the high-income nation depends not only the Government but continue efforts of the young generation to cultivate or acquire high moral value, knowledgeable and be patriotic to the nation .

As a chairman of an education foundation, I would say that education is the key factor to a successful nation.

Education must start from early age and continue up to tertiary education with emphasis on moral and ethical studies. With this, the young generation will be able advanced in their career and the nation will prosper and developed.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012


如果這問題沒有盡快改善,對于政府目前的目標,即是留住人才,將是一大挑戰,因為一些成績優秀的頂尖學生,將會因為無法獲得自己想要的課系而出國,這些學生一旦在外國練大學,他們未來畢業后很大可 能便會各種因素,而選擇不回國並在國外工作,這對大馬來說是可惜及不值的。
高教部應該體諒這些莘莘學子努力求學,盡量考獲更好的成績,主要是希望可以進入本地大學,選讀自己屬意的理想科系,以便能幫忙減低家里的負擔,如果無法獲得他們屬意 的課系,將會讓這群頂尖優秀生大失所望

Issue must be solved without any further delay

There are many students whom achieved outstanding results were not given an opportunity to further their studies in their preferred course in local universities. In my opinion, Ministry of Higher Education in Malaysia must give serious consideration of this repeating issue as it will directly affecting the peoples’ views of the government transformation program.

This issue must be solved without any further delay so as to enable these students can obtain the education locally in their preferred courses. Otherwise, these top students with great academic results will plan to further their studies abroad. Hence, many of them will be starting their career and life abroad after graduating rather than coming back to Malaysia.

I believe the Ministry of Higher Education is definitely aware of this issue and trying to solve this issue amicably. In any case, Ministry of Higher Education can be more transparent in solving this issue so that the public, especially the parents and the students themselves will understand rather than forming a different opinion towards this issue, blaming the Government not doing anything for their children.

The recent launched National Higher Education Strategic Plan 2020 is where to conceptualize the entire operational plan for higher education with the notion of National Interest as well as to promise great autonomy for the universities and the students.

Government should pay more attention in particular to those non-bumiputra students whom they facing difficulties to be enrolled into the local universities. These non-bumiputra students are among the top students in the country. They should be given opportunity to further their studies in the preferred discipline in the local universities.

According to statistic, 38,549 students out of the total of 52,430 are successfully qualified to be enrolled to the 20 local universities.  However, some of these students did not enroll to the local universities as the course provided is not their choice course.

I suggest that the Ministry of Higher Education to make continuous efforts to ensure that the Public Institutions of Higher Education (PIHE) will have to make effort to ensure that the students are to be given their choice course especially high achievers students so that they can have the opportunity to study in Malaysia and start their career in Malaysia after graduating.

Be accountability and transparent in university placement for the students are the key to prevent brain drain. Thus, act prudently to retain talent.

“一個馬來西亞:遵守承諾”(1Malaysian:Janji Ditepati)

今年,55週年國慶日主題“一個馬來西亞:遵守承諾”(1Malaysian:Janji Ditepati)所要傳達的意思,是要證明我國領袖一向來一諾千金,因此造就我國比一些更早獨立的國家進步。
首相納吉上任以來,從2009年的主題:一個大馬,以民為本,績效為先(Satu Malaysia, Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan);到2010年:一個馬來西亞促進轉型(Satu Malaysia, Menjana Transformasi);而2011年國慶日主題:“轉型成功,人民有福”(Satu Malaysia: Transformasi Berjaya, Rakyat Sejahtera),可以讓我們我到首相納吉按步就班的帶領國家,朝著目標前進。

1 Malaysian : Janji Ditepati

1 Malaysian : Janji Ditepati (Promises Fulfilled), the theme for the upcoming  55th Anniversary National Day Celebration.

As Malaysian, we should be thankful that we have been living together in a harmony and peaceful environment in this multi ethnic country for the past 55 years.

Prime Minister, YB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak commented the Malaysia has prospered over the past 55 years. Transformation has been carried out for the nation and the people in particular in agricultural to industrial-based economy.

Transformation is a key for a developing country like Malaysia. The Government has introduced a few policies such as NKEAs, ETP, 10th Malaysia Plan to enhance further the country’s economy. The downfall of the global economy has badly affected Malaysia’s economy and with these transformation programs, economy continues to grow at the rate of more than 4.0%.

I believe that Government has certainly delivered what has promised for the people aspects and continuing making efforts towards achieving a high-income nation country so as to benefit the people. As a result, people will live in a harmony and peaceful environment.

As Rome is never built in one day, I believe that BN will continue to bring changes for the wellbeing of the people and the country. As a Malaysian, we must support the Government for the mutual benefit in near future.

The Federal Government has never made and will never make any empty promises to the people.Therefore, we must support the BN Government In the next general election for continuing the transformation programs for the wellbeing and benefits of the people.




The loan two pandas from China to Malaysia as part of the collaboration between the China Wildlife Conservation Association and the Malaysian government. In fact, I believe that this is a very good idea not only foster the bilateral relationship between two countries, however, it raises the public awareness on panda conversation in China.

The close relationship has enabled Malaysia to attract more foreign investments from China to boost the country's economy further.

The Government has recently recognized more than 800 higher learning institutions in China, further strengthen the bilateral relationship between two countries as well as bringing benefits to the Chinese in Malaysia. The Chinese in Malaysia will be able to exchange views and explore further the culture, tradition and customs of the Chinese origin.

China has become one of Malaysia's largest trading partners and I believe that by next year, the trade volume will be continuing to exceed USD$100 bil. With the investment from China, it is determined not only to boost the economy for both countries, however it create more jobs opportunities and technology development especially in telecommunications and palm oil sectors.

I am determined that Government will always maintain this warm tie with China since during the tenure of the late Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak for mutual benefits in near future.












Practice regular inspection to the school building to avoid the mishap happen

52 year-old SJK(C) Lian Cheng in Pahang collapsed due to the unbearable infested by termite and causing 5 students injured. I believe this is not the first school which encounters the termite problem. Although the Government has allocated funds for repairing these schools, the management of school should be alert and practice regular inspection to the school building to avoid the mishap happen again.

The 2012 Budget proposal will be tabled in Parliament on Sept 28 and according to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak that the budget would focus on the quality and balanced growth as well as the peoples’ well being. I hope there will be a fund set aside to facilitate work repair for these termite-infested schools. According to statistic report, there are a total of 133 primary Chinese schools in Malaysia required up-grading and improvement as they are old, worn out and termite- infested. These schools need immediate attention from the Government.

School is a place where gathers all the students to acquire knowledge and receive education. The environment of a school must safe and free from any danger so that the students can learn and study in a peaceful and healthy surrounding. I have learned that our Chinese schools in Malaysia which are currently in needs of improvement. Many of these schools are previously built with wood structure. I suggest that the Government can consider to replace these wooden building with bricks and concrete structure.

In another issue, students will be allowed to bring mobile phones and IT gadgets to school from next year after the rules and regulations are amended.  I believe there are pros and cons for such changes. I agreed with the Government changes with an objective to encourage the educators and students to embrace the knowledge of the information technology in the 21st century.

But on the other hand, I do think that more in depth study and understanding needed for this change in particular among the parents and the students. I can see most of the children are easily attracted to the IT gadget these days. Are these handphones and IT gadgets really needed in the class? Will the students concentrate in the classroom with these gadgets around them?

Can the students mature enough to handle the handphone and/or IT gadgets? Do the students at the age of 13 to 17 years discipline enough? All these needs to be answered before implement it.




National Harmony Act

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced that the Sedition Act 1948 will be replaced with a new National Harmony Act as part of the country’s political transformation plan. Once again proved that BN is taking steps to transforming Malaysia into a free and democratic country.

He also announced that recent amendments would be implemented which are Security Offences Act (Special Measures), The Printing Presses and Publications Act as well as the Universities and Colleges Act. I must say that it is good to have these legislations in place for the benefit of the Rakyat. The safety and security of the people is paramount and cannot be compromised.

This further proved that the Barisan Nasional Government are not making empty promises to carry-out political transformation, besides making the continuous efforts to transform our economy through NKEAs and 10th Malaysia Plan for the past 3 years, we can see it is progressing.

The replacement of Sedition Act with National Harmony Act is the balance between ensuring the freedom of expression and unwarranted expression which may hurts the feeling of the people in particular in is a multi racial and multi religious country. This Act will be able to focus on the mutual respect and harmony among the Malaysian.

On contrary, Pakatan Rakyat has been making empty promises to the people in order to grab power and fish for voters. There isn’t any substantial plans for the wellbeing of the Rakyat beside empty promises.



Eid al-Fitr

I as the Chairman of Yayasan Pendidikan Kawasan Bandar Tun Razak stated that Eid al-Fitr is the time of spiritual reflection and worship.

During this period, Muslim are encouraged dedicate their love and care by spending quality time together with their parents and family. This will not only to strengthen the family bond within the family members, but it is also an important moment for thanksgiving as well as forgiving.

As Malaysian, we are indeed very fortunate and should be thankful because we are able to live together in this peaceful country and celebrate with each other different auspicious festivals together since independence 50 years ago.

I believe that Malaysian have wise and prudent national leader. Unlike other countries which are facing various political crisis such as ethnic conflict and civil wars which causing the people suffering. Malaysia is a harmonious country with multi-ethnic and multi religious groups where we live in peace and tranquility environment.

To sustain the harmony in the country, unity is vital among all the multi ethnic groups in Malaysia. In this respect, we should respect, tolerate, patient and willing to accept each other.
Ramadhan is a month of fasting in Islamic calendar. Muslim all around the world will abstrain from food and drink, through fasting, from dawn to sunset.

And will later gather together for break fast after sunset. During fasting period,  non Muslims are also invited to join break fast together. The Holy month of Ramadhan also reminds the people to practice good values such like saving besides doing good deeds and a special moment for family and friends reunion.

I wish that the spirit of Eid-Al-Fitr will remind everyone of us the importance of unity to build our country together towards free from crime, evil, corruption and war.

In conjunction with the 1 Malaysia’s objective – People First, Performance Now, I must add that the Government has implementing a number of strategic plans to ensure the country achieves unity and harmony such as the New National Harmony Act.