Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Auditor General's Report 2014
With the release of Auditor General's Report 2014, it shows the government is always being transparent in dealing with corrupt practises issue. However, the government needs to go further and pursue those have commited corruption.
The government should show its seriousness and uncompromising stand against corruption. Stern action should be taken against those public officiers who have abused their powers and committed cprruption.
There shall be no fear or favour in dealing with those who are found to be responsible for wrongdoings.
At the sametime, the government should take the abuse of public funds as reported in the AG's Report seriously and take action to prevent any abuse and/ or leakage. The AG's Report should not be just an annual ritual without serious follow up actions being taken by the government.
In order to ensure transparency and accountability, a special committee should be set up and tasked to the follow up actions concerning issues and/or wrongdoings raised in the AG's Report.
MACC should also initiate investigation on suspicious cases of corruption. People are hoping to see the laws are enforced and those responsible for power abuse and corruption are being dealt with properly and adequately under the law. I am of the opinion that the government should do more to enforce the law agaisnt corruption and it is pointless to have the law without proper and aderuate enforcement. Let's us united to create awareness and take action agaisnt corruption and build a better nation.
Friday, 10 April 2015
Prevention of Terrorism Bill 2005 (POTA)
It is my personal view that the Prevention of Terrorism Bill 2005 (POTA) and Special Measures Against Terrorism in Foreign Countries Bill 2015 have become a necessity for Malaysia, as the threat of terrorism is more and more frequently happens in the world. Malaysia is no exception to this terrorism threats.
Not long ago, the police arrested 75 persons believed to be involved in the IS activities. Though we have existing laws to deal with armed militants, a preventive one is better in arresting the threat of militancy before it happens and someone gets kill or injure.
With the passing of POTA and Special Measures Against Terrorism in Foreign Countries Bill 2015 by the parliament, the police have a standard operating protocol in carrying out its duty including enforcement and arrest procedures which will be more effective in combating terrorism in the country.
Prevention is always better than cure. These new laws give us the preemptive edge and make us in a better position to deal with any situation. It is for the benefit of the nation and the people as we all love peace,harmony and stable environment. Therefore, I hope that nobody should politilise these bills and we all move on for the interest of the people.
《2015年防恐法案》( Prevention of Terrorism Bill 2015,POTA),以及《2015年對抗國外恐怖主義特別措施法案》(Special Measures Against Terrorism in Foreign Countries Bill 2015)在大馬目前的局勢來說,是非常有必要的。
Choose your next step wisely
The SPM and STPM results have released. It is time for the students to choose their career and choice of university.
I would like to congratulate those who obtained excellent result. Because of your hardwork and dedication, you reaped the fruits of your hard work. You deserve and I'm sure your parents are proud of you.
However, those who are not so good result should pursue further study by taking vocational and /or technical courses. There are plenty technical colleges in Malaysia. Remember, a skill acquired will be a life living tool and will give you a lifetime earning. As Malaysia will need a lot of skill workers, possibly more than the professionals in the next 10 years.
Students from low income group should not feel discouraged by lack of funding because they are plenty of scholarship, bursary and / or study loan available. All you need is to have a good result in your examination.
However, the most important thing is that, if your result fell short of expectation, it doesn't mean you're doomed. Do remember that 'failure is the mother of success'.If your result doesn't look good and you are lost, you should talk to your teachers or parents and discuss your problem with them.
Academic achievement isn't the only way to success, it is merely a qualification but success depends heavily on your own and ability to adapt to the working world, as well as hard working and personal relation with others.
Lastly, i wish you all the best and have a bright future.
I would like to congratulate those who obtained excellent result. Because of your hardwork and dedication, you reaped the fruits of your hard work. You deserve and I'm sure your parents are proud of you.
However, those who are not so good result should pursue further study by taking vocational and /or technical courses. There are plenty technical colleges in Malaysia. Remember, a skill acquired will be a life living tool and will give you a lifetime earning. As Malaysia will need a lot of skill workers, possibly more than the professionals in the next 10 years.
Students from low income group should not feel discouraged by lack of funding because they are plenty of scholarship, bursary and / or study loan available. All you need is to have a good result in your examination.
However, the most important thing is that, if your result fell short of expectation, it doesn't mean you're doomed. Do remember that 'failure is the mother of success'.If your result doesn't look good and you are lost, you should talk to your teachers or parents and discuss your problem with them.
Academic achievement isn't the only way to success, it is merely a qualification but success depends heavily on your own and ability to adapt to the working world, as well as hard working and personal relation with others.
Lastly, i wish you all the best and have a bright future.
Berhati-hati dengan kes Denggi
Menurut statistik yang diumumkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan, terdapat 30,890 laporan kes denggi sehingga 21 Mac 2015. Ini adalah satu peningkatan 40.6% jika berbanding dengan tempoh masa tahun lepas, iaitu sebanyak 21,967 kes denggi.
Kes kematian akibat deman denggi juga meningkat dari 54 kepada 98 kes pada tempoh yang sama iaitu peningkatan sebanyak 81.5%.
Angka ini amat membimbangkan dan harap kerajaan dapat mengawal wabak ini supaya rakyat tidak hidup dalam ketakutan. Walau bagaimanapun, rakyat sendiri juga harus memberi perhatian kepada kebersihan sekitar rumah dan sentiasa mengambil langkah melindungi keluarga daripada nyamuk aedes.
Sehingga kini, terdapat 222 kawasan di seluruh negara telah dikenalpasti sebagai kawasan wabak denggi. Di antaranya, Selangor dan Perak masing-masing terdapat 180 dan 32 hotspot yang merupakan negeri-negeri yang paling teruk dilanda wabak denggi.
Kerajaan mempunyai tanggungjawap dalam pengawalan wabak denggi, tetapi rakyat juga perlu memainkan peranan dalam mencegah demam denggi, umpamanya membersihkan rumah dan sekitarnya. Memerangi penyakit denggi adalah tanggungjawab bersama dan semua harus bertindak dengan serentaknya.
Menurut pegawai pemeriksaan dari Jabatan Kesihatan, ramai penduduk termasuk mahasiswa di mana tempat kediaman mereka masih tidak memuaskan dari segi kebersihan.
Langkah paling asas ialah mengutip dan mengosongkan botol atau kontena atau bekas-bekas yang menakung dan sentiasa menjaga kebersihan sekitar rumah.
Kerajaan juga perlu menjalankan pengasapan di kawasan-kawasan perumahan dengan lebih kerap bagi mencegah wabak deman denggi. Di samping itu, pihak berkuasa tempatan juga harus kerap membersihkan kawasan lapang atau tempat membuang sampah-sarap, terutamanya musim hujan. Gotong-royong setempat juga harus dianjurkan oleh pihak berkuasa tempatan.
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