Thursday, 27 November 2014

Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (“PTPTN”)

Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (“PTPTN”)

Sebagai aktivis pendidikan yang telah banyak menganjurkan program pendidikan melalui Yayasan Pendidikan Kawasan Bandar Tun Razak untuk membantu pelajar-pelajar yang berasal dari keluarga yang kurang berada, saya berasa amat sedih dan terkilan apabila mendapati Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (“PTPTN”) telah mengambil langkah mengurangkan amaun pinjaman PTPTN kepada pelajar-pelajar Institut Pengajian Tinggi Awam (“IPTA”) dan Institut Pengajian Tinggi Swasta (“IPTS’).  Ini akan membebankan para pelajar dan ibubapa.  Saya tidak bersetuju dengan langkah yang diambil oleh PTPTN kerana :

1) Kos sara hidup semakin tinggi dan harga barangan semakin naik apabila kerajaan mengambil langkah menarik balik subsidi barangan, seperti petrol.  Ini telah menyebabkan kadar inflasi naik sehingga 3.5% pada tahun 2014. Impak penarikan subsidi masih dirasai oleh Rakyat.  Khususnya Rakyat yang berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana.

2) Perlaksanaan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST) yang bakal berkuatkuasa pada 1 April 2015 akan mengakibatkan kenaikan kadar inflasi kepada 4%-4.5%.  Seterusnya, kos sara hidup semakin tinggi serta memberi kesan kepada penyusutan kuasa beli dikalangan pengguna/rakyat (“reduce people purchasing power”).  Secara rasionalnya, kadar inflasi pada tahun 2014 dan tahun 2015 apabila dicampurkan boleh menjangkaui lingkungan 8%.  Ini amat membebankan Rakyat, khususnya pelajar-pelajar yang baru diterima masuk ke IPTA dan IPTS.

3) Disebabkan oleh peminjam yang ingkar membayar balik pinjaman kepada PTPTN, maka amatlah tidak adil sekiranya perbuatan yang tidak bertanggungjawab ini dipikul oleh bakal pelajar-pelajar insitut pengajian tinggi.  Ini adalah tidak patut dan adil serta memberikan contoh yang tidak baik kepada generasi akan datang.  Orang yang tidak bersalah  harus menanggung/beban dan denda pesalah.

4) Peminjam PTPTN adalah kebanyakannya berasal dari keluarga yang kurang berada atau berpendapatan sederhana rendah.  Oleh itu,  PTPTN harus membantu pelajar-pelajar ini dan bukan menindas mereka.

5) Pengurangan pinjaman PTPTN adalah bertentangan dengan polisi k-ekonomi Negara yang berasaskan pengetahuan ke arah mencapai status Negara maju.  Kita harus menggalakkan lebih banyak pelajar-pelajar mendapat pendidikan tinggi untuk meningkatkan daya saing dan harta intelek Negara serta melahirkan satu masyarakat yang berilmu.

6) Jika PTPTN kekurangan dana untuk meneruskan dan/atau menetapkan amaun pinjaman kepada pelajar-pelajar, PTPTN harus mendapatkan lebih peruntukan dari Kementerian Kewangan.  Selain daripada itu,  PTPTN juga boleh mendapat atau meminta bantuan dari EPF atau Petronas supaya skim pinjaman pendidikan diteruskan tanpa apa-apa pengurungan.  Kita harus beri pendidikan kepada anak-anak kita dan pastikan mereka memperolehi pendidikan yang setinggi-tingginya.  Mereka adalah harapan kita dan Negara.

Tambahan, PTPTN juga boleh mengadakan Kempen Buka Akuan PTPTN oleh ibu atau bapa untuk anak-anak mereka.  Setiap deposit samada dari ibu atau bapa sehingga RM2,000 ke dalam Akaun PTPTN boleh mendapat cukai relief.  Cara ini bukan saja dapat menambahkan dana PTPTN, tetapi ianya boleh memberi manafaat cukai relief kepada ibu atau bapa atau kedua-dua dan pada masa yang sama juga dapat membantu pelajar-pelajar meneruskan pendidikan tinggi dan melahirkan  Rakyat berilmu.

Oleh itu, saya mendesak PTPTN harus mengambil tindakan pro-aktif dalam memastikan pinjaman pendidikan ini diteruskan tanpa potongan amaun pinjaman, dan sebaliknya PTPTN harus menambah amaun pinjaman dengan mengambil kira kadar inflasi.

Saya juga ingin menyarankan kepada PTPTN supaya sentiasa ingat dan berpegang kepada tema “Walaupun kita miskin, kita tidak boleh abaikan pendidikan”.  Pendidikan adalah nadi masa depan negara dan masyarakat.  Oleh itu, PTPTN harus mengambil langkah untuk membetulkan polisi pengurangan amaun pinjaman demi masa depan Rakyat dan negara.
















National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN)

 National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN)

  As an education activist who has been running many pro-education programmes which benefit students from poor families through Bandar Tun Razak Education Foundation, I am truly sad to hear that the National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) is to reduce its lending to students of public and private institutions of higher learning.
  This measure surely adds a burden on the students and their families. I oppose to the PTPTN lending reduction for the following reasons:

  1)   Rising cost of living when subsidy rationalisation programme is implemented such as on fuel. As a result of it, the 2014 inflation is rising to 3.5%. The impact on the people is real especially to the lower and middle income groups.

  2)   The implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) starting 1 April, 2015 will set to drive inflation rate up to 4%-4.5%. The burden of rising cost of living is acerbated with the reduced purchasing power. As a matter of fact, the inflation rates of 2014 and 2015 will be in excess of 8% in total which will be hitting hard on life of the people, in particular of the university fresh entrants.

  3)   The policy of punish all for the acts of one is unfair. Those who are not at fault should not be punished. Otherwise, it sets a bad example for the future generations.

  4)   Most PTPTN borrowers come from lower and middle income families. As such, PTPTN should continue to help them, not punishing them.

  5)   PTPTN loan reduction runs counter to the knowledge-based economic policy which is the basis to becoming a developed country. We should produce more knowledge workers through higher education to increase competitiveness, intellectual property creation and towards a knowledge society.

  6)   PTPTN should get more allocation from the Finance Ministry if they are short of fund. Besides, PTPTN could also get funding from EPF or Petronas so that the education fund can operate without problem. We should provide our children the highest education possible as they are the hope of us and the country.

  In addition, PTPTN could also introduce PTPTN Deposit Account Opening Drive to enable parents save for their children. Deposit of up to RM2,000 be income tax exempted. This way, it not only adds capacity to the PTPTN fund but also giving more students the opportunity for higher education and thus producing more knowledge workers.

  As such, I urge PTPTN to be more proactive; instead of cutting its lending, PTPTN should take into account inflation and increase its lending amount.

  I would also like to urge PTPTN to always remember that e can be poor materially but not in education?as education is the pulse of the nation. As such, PTPTN should take the correct step of not cutting its education lending for the sake of the people and the nation.

Thursday, 13 November 2014












Prevention Is Better Than Cure

 Prevention Is Better Than Cure
People should equip themselves with more basic healthcare knowledge. Healthcare knowledge helps people to know how to prevent illnesses and/or disease.

Remember, "prevention is better than cure".

In this information age, such knowledge is easily available online. The information equips us with the ability to take preventive measure against any disease.

Many people do not care about their diet habits. Bad diet habit not just causes illness and stress but also cause high medical cost.

Apart from cancer, other diseases such as stroke, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure are also affecting the young generation or young adults.

In some cases, cancer patients become totally overwhelmed and stricken mentally once cancer is diagnosed. This is because they think they are in good health and young, sickness or disease does not recognise age or gender.

The good news is there are now many charity organisations providing various kinds of assistance including medical assistance and counselling to cancer patients. The public should support and sponsor such charity works and popularise this noble deed in helping the patients in need.

Being diagnosed with cancer is not the end of the world. Instead with proper medical care the illness can be cured and live a normal life.

Recovered cancer patients still can contributes the nation building and the country economic growth.

Take good care of yourself, you will have a good health.













Tuberculosis Infection

Tuberculosis Infection

The latest published statistics from the Ministry of Health shows that tuberculosis infection have reached a staggering 25,000 cases so far this year, an increase of 1,000 cases compared to last year.

The once die off disease, tuberculosis shows sign of re-surfacing, which is carried into the country by the illegal immigrants. The authority must take this very seriously.

According to data, 40% of the 25,000 infection cases are from Sabah. In view of this, the Ministry of Health must take urgent step to coordinate with various government agencies such as the Home Ministry, to secure our immigration check points to prevent further imported infection disease outbreak.

Our country’s border should be further secured from illegal immigrations. All foreign workers should undergo health screening before they are allowed to enter the country and upon entered the country, they must undergo a full health screen by our hospitals.

Tuberculosis ravaged the land during the 70s and 80s and was finally contained. However, the recent resurgence of this disease has warrant immediate alert from health institutions in the country.

Statistics show 14% of tuberculosis patients are foreigners.

Unchecked foreigners are a health hazard as they could carry the disease and spread it to locals especially in the food and beverage industry.

What we should do as a responsible citizen is to take extra precaution to seek medical treatment at nearest clinics or hospitals if you found yourself or your family members having persistent cough symptoms for two weeks or more in order to prevent the disease from spreading.

In the meantime, the government should also conduct more public awareness campaign and education to increase public awareness of the disease.

We always must remember, "prevention is better than cure", create awareness and take action to counter this disease from spreading in this country.