Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Chua Soi Lek meletak jawatan tidak akan memecah-belahkan perpaduan parti

Kuala Lumpur, May - Pengerusi MCA Cawangan Bukit Jalil Resort, Datuk Chew Yin Keen berpendapat bahawa tindakan ahli MCA mengesa presiden MCA Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek meletak jawatan tidak akan  memecah-belahkan perpaduan parti, malah akan membantu menjalini hubungan yang lebih baik dengan masyarakat cina, kerana gesaan tersebut adalah kemahuan masyarakat cina.

Kata Datuk Chew, keputusan PU-13 jelas menunjukkan masyarakat cina bersepakat menolak MCA yang dipimpin oleh Chua Soi Lek. Oleh itu, jikalau Chua Soi Lek meletak jawatan, ia pasti akan membantu MCA mengeratkan hubungan parti dengan masyarakat cina.

“ Chua perlu letak kesemua jawatan beliau di MCA, termasuk jawatan-jawatan yang mengendali aset harta parti yang bernilai billion ringgit. Tiada sebab atau alasan beliau terus cuba menglengah-lengahkan masa dan hanya berundur sewaktu pemilihan pucuk pimpinan parti diadakan.”

Beliau berkata, setakat ini, hanya kroni-kroni Chua Soi Lek yang mendapat habuan mahu beliau terus jadi presiden MCA.

“ mereka yang tidak mahu Chua Soi Lek letak jawatan dan ingin beliau dikekalkan adalah kerana takut kepentingan mereka terjejas. Ini termasuk Bendahari MCA merangkap Pengerusi MCA Wilayah Persekutuan, Datuk Seri Tan Chai Ho.”

Beliau berkata, Chua Soi Lek telah melantik Tan memegang jawatan penting di syarikat-syarikat yang dimiliki oleh  MCA dan mengendali aset parti. Selain dari gaji dan elaun, sebuah kereta SUV dan pemandu peribadi telah diberikan untuk kegunaan beliau.

Beliau berkata, gaji dan elaun bulanan yang diperolehi oleh Tan Chai Ho telah mencecah RM 30,000, malahan gaji bulanan tersebut adalah lebih tinggi dari gaji seseorang menteri.

Beliau berkata, kekalahan yang dialami oleh MCA pada PU-13 adalah disebabkan sikap Chua yang amat mementingkan kepentingan diri dan kroni-kroni beliau.

Beliau menegaskan, ahli-ahli parti MCA tidak ingin melihat MCA “diswastakan” oleh Chua Soi Lek! Beliau berkata, kepercayaan cina terhadap MCA hanya akan tercapai jika Chua Soi Lek meletak jawatan serta-merta dan mengadakan pemilihan parti dalam masa terdekat.

“Biar muka baru mengemudi MCA dan melancarkan pembaharuan. Hanya dengan cara sebegini, barulah MCA mampu mengembalikan kepercayaan masyarakat cina.”

Beliau mengakui MCA kini menghadapi keadaan yang paling sukar, tetapi beliau percaya selagi MCA mampu menghapuskan  “tumor” dalam parti terlebih dahulu , maka ia akan membawa kebangkitan semula MCA dan mampu membuat persiapan rapi untuk menghadapi Pilihanraya Umum akan datang.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013














Friday, 10 May 2013


(吉隆坡訊) 馬華武吉加爾花園支會主席拿督丘應權認為,馬華黨員要求馬華總會長拿督斯里蔡細歷即刻下台的作法,不但沒有分化馬華的團結,反而更讓馬華與華社更緊密地走在一起,因為拒絕蔡細歷正是華社的意願。







Thursday, 9 May 2013

“CSL Tsunami, not Chinese or Urban Tsunami”

“CSL Tsunami, not Chinese or Urban Tsunami”

The result of GE-13 clearly showed that majority of voters rejected CSL and his cronies on the ground that Dato’ Sri Chua Soi Lek (“CSL”) and his cronies had pursued their personal interest above⋯⋯ the party’s in preparing and conducting GE-13, said Datuk Chew Yin Keen, Chairman of MCA Bukit Jali Branch. Based on all their actions and decisions taken before GE-13, he strongly believes that CSL and his cronies had planned and maneuvered everything to their advantage in anticipation of the coming party election over the recent national general election at the expanse of Barisan National. It has caused Barisan National. Undoubtedly, all these led to the loss of many parliament and state seats in Peninsula Malaysia.

In reality, eventhough CSL was elected as MCA President in 2010 by the 2,300 odd MCA central delegates, the Malaysian Chinese had never accepted him as their leader primarily due to his own sex scandal issue. Instead, they had felt extremely ashamed to have such a leader. Arising thereof, Malaysian Chinese had disassociated themselves from CSL and MCA. Most of the Chinese community NGOs also refused to accept CSL as their leader. As a result, they had voted against MCA and inadvertently BN, simply because they wanted to disassociate themselves from MCA. In conclusion, clearly proved that CSL is the liability or baggage of MCA and BN. Therefore, he ought to resign immediately as the President of MCA thus ensure a better chanc3e for MCA and BN to regain confidence from the Chinese community.

Besides, CSL also tried ways and means to block winnable candidates who were not his supporter being nominated as BN candidate for the GE-13, unless he has no choice but to nominate his rivals. Further, he had manipulated and maneuvered the situation to the extend that his rivals were dropped from the BN candidate list for the GE-13. Best example was the Pandan Parliament seat.

He only selected his cronies candidates to contest in the GE-13. This was to enhance his position in the Party in preparation for the comingparty election. The winnable candidate policy being replaced with crony candidate policy just 2 weeks prior to the nomination day. This was purely a personal interest action, said Datuk Chew.

Further, CSL had loaned parliament and state seats to other component parties which had also caused the anger of many Chinese voters. In fact, some of the seats were winnable by MCA. Again this had contributed to the voters revolted against BN in the GE-13, said Datuk Chew.

To sum it all, CSL ownself creditability, the biased selection of crony candidates and land the loan of parliament and state seats were the main reasons that the Chinese voters had opted to revolt against MCA and BN in GE-13. Therefore, the result of GE-13 was CSL Tsunami and not Chinese Tsunami, neither was it Urban Tsunami. Datuk Chew further emphasized that at least 30% to 40% of the Chinese voters are still BN supporters and did not abandoned BN.

In fact, if “American style of Presidential Election” was being conducted in Malaysia, Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib would have gotten at least 60% or more support from all voters, which comprised of Malay, Chinese and Indian, said Datuk Chew.

Therefore, CSL ought to resign immediately as the President of MCA and cannot allow to delay further until the next party election as it will be too long the time frame, said Datuk Chew. This is to provide opportunity for the fresh team to re-invent MCA and not suffice to just reform or transform MCA. A total re-inventing and revamping the entire party’s principal policies, directions and leadership structure is absolutely necessary. Dramatic action must be taken as soon as possible before it is too late, said Datuk Chew.

He stresses that there is no reason for CSL not to relinquish his position as President unless he still craves to cling on to the control of the multi billion Party’s assets, which is currently being managed and controlled by CSL as President together with the Party’s secretary General and Treasurer General. Datuk Chew would also like to remind them that the multi billion Party’s assets is belong to the Party and not their personal assets…… it’s time to let go!

If CSL loves his Party, he ought to resign immediately and hopefully still able to redeem his honour and gain respect from the Party’s members.








  他揭露, 蔡細歷在遴選第13屆大選的馬華候選人時,竭盡一切辦法來阻止不是他派系的人馬上陣當候選人,就算那人是絕對有勝算的,也因此而被割愛,包括班丹國會選區發生的事件便是最佳證明。


  他說, 蔡細歷無法捍衛原本馬華的國席及州席,將這些席位“借”給盟黨的作法,也令到許多華裔對馬華感到厭惡,更何況,這些“借”出的席位,有許多本來都是有勝算的地區。 









Monday, 6 May 2013

Datuk Chew Yin Keen has called for the resignation of MCA treasurer-general and MCA Federal Territory Chairman, Datuk Seri Tan Chai Ho

  MCA Bukit Jalil Branch Chairman, Datuk Chew Yin Keen has called for the resignation of MCA treasurer-general and MCA Federal Territory Chairman, Datuk Seri Tan Chai Ho. He is to take full responsibility of the disheartened result of all the MCA parliament seats in Wilayah Persekutuan on the ground that he has acted based on his own personal interests above the party’s interest.

  He commented that Datuk Seri Tan Chai Ho was incapable to stop the loan of Wangsa Maju seat to UMNO. At the same time, he even strongly insisted to enlist his son, Tan Kok Eng to be a candidate at the Bandar Tun Razak constituency, despite in fact that he and his son failed to service the voters in the constituency for the past 5 years.

  He further commented that Tan Chai Ho is not a leader who protects the party’s interest. His self-interests had resulted in the lost in all constituencies lost in Wilayah Persekutuan in this GE-13. He should step down and let the young leaders who are reliable, creditable, energetic and truthful to come up earlier in oder to prepare for the coming general election. This is to ensure that MCA will regain the confidence from the people.

  Datuk Chew said Barisan’s potential candidate Datuk Yew Teong Lok in Wangsa Maju constituency, who is also a member of MCA has been dedicating his time and effort serving the people for the last 5 years. He is popular among the locals due to his continuous hardwork and services to solve the people problems. Nevertheless, the seat was loaned to UMNO, although MCA has great chance to re-take the parliament seat.

  As the chairman of the MCA Federal Territory, he did not even consider how to defeat the opposition, instead, he simply loaned the seat to UMNO without any discussions among the members of MCA Wilayah Persekutuan. This is totally unacceptable and he owes an explanation to the entire MCA Wilayah Persekutuan.

  Datuk Chew further added that there were winnable candidates in Bandar Tun Razak constituency who are well-knowned and had served the community here for numerous years and maintain good relationship among the people in Bandar Tun Razak. Sadly none of them were nominated.

  Over in Kepong, the MCA Kepong Task Force Head Tan Kok Eng was not nominated to contest in Kepong, instead returned to Bandar Tun Razak just few weeks before GE-13 as a winnable candidate. This was also another selfish act of Tan Chai Ho. He never consider of the benefits and goodwill of the entire MCA as well as the people of Bandar Tun Razak.

  He further stressed that above mentioned decision was the biggest disappointment. His nomination of his son, Kok Eng, someone who is inexperienced and had never served the people of Bandar Tun Razak as a winnable candidate in Bandar Tun Razak. This is absurd.

  The above was clearly demonstrated that Datuk Seri Tan Chai Ho had placed his self interests above the party's. Datuk Chew, therefore, urges him to resign immediately as the Chairman of MCA Wilayah Persekutuan and Treasurer-General of MCA National. This is to make way for the younger and more energetic leader in the party in order to get ready as soon as posibble for the next general election to ensure that MCA is confident to win back the lost ground from the opposition.








